Despite the creation of a Government and the establishment of the colonies, the UNC is a lawless place. Initally the goverment tried to maintain a standing army, but there was little they could do, often becoming too spread out to be effective, the UNC military eventually dwindled. Corporate interests usually maintained their own security and so didn't notice the changes.
The outer edges of the colonies were still suffering bandit raids and falling prey to miscreants of all types. As a solution the Govener established the Nevadan Marshal Service. Through some deft political and strategic maneuvering, the Marshals were more effective at singling out the bad elements and tenacius enough to bluff the rest into standing down. Individual marshals were something to be feared.
Currently there are 22 sworn in marshals and just as many deputised recruits. The NMS has a linked computer network and each Marshal is in contact with the rest. They dont have a set uniform, aside from their star, and tend to be quite unique. Vehicles of choice range from 4WD buggies to Hovercycles to the more esoteric Robot Horse, like East Counties Marshal Tate.
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